Let's start fixing the climate together!
Climate impact made visible.
There are some things that make the food supply chain unique: It's ancient. It's deep. It's complex. It's opaque. It's where the majority of emissions from food come from.
When it comes to combating climate change, the food supply chain is not optional. So if actors in the food industry is to reduce its emissions, where do they start?
Enter CarbonCloud.
At CarbonCloud, we develop software that helps the food industry calculate the climate footprint of their food products, map out their supply chain, and reduce their emissions together with their suppliers – from farm to shelf. And then tell the world about it! 😎

Who we are
We are the nerds behind the food brands. Our solution is developed everyday to drive a change in the food system – for the better.
It wasn't the Eureka moment you may imagine… We were founded by a team of scientists who obsessed over the climate impact of food for years before teaming up with the most brilliant minds to turn the theoretical solution into a practical one.
We have annoyingly high integrity (we've received feedback). We don’t make fluffy, empty promises, and we don’t do or say things to bask on the "positive vibes". We do the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
We are assertive about the things we know and humble about the things we and the rest of the world doesn’t – Uncertainty is the only certainty and we always factor it in.
How we act
We always get enthusiastic about something new.
Meeting CarbonCloud always begins with ‘Aha’. Each of us has turned into a semi-expert on the climate impact of food in weeks and we want to pass the thrill of our "Aha" moment along to our customers.
We do what's right, not what’s easy.
We value more the truth that solves the problem than the soothing semi-truth. That is a conscious choice we make every day to be confident in what we do show. We strive to know what the world doesn’t know, and stay humble about it.

Working at CarbonCloud be like...
Solving the biggest issue of our generation
Your time is precious. Spend it where it matters.
Lots of room to shape your work
We expect You to know You best. In general, you get to pick your tools and decide how to make the most of them.
Improving together
We are doing something very new and we test hypotheses every day. Sharing mistakes and learnings makes us better at this.
About CarbonCloud
We do climate footprint calculations for food producers, insights on where to improve, and transparency to consumers through packaging labels. The science is hard, the product is simple. We are building a global network of climate calculations - improve one calculation, and the others react.